What is the mindset of an athlete?  They certainly have to consistently tell themselves that they CAN DO IT – whether that’s jump so high, run so far, make the shot.

It’s no different in business.


And, the good news is even a glimmer of hope and CAN DO attitude can make a monumental difference.

I had my own revelation recently when I signed up for the Indy 500 mini marathon (13.2 miles).  Five months before the race, the goal seemed attainable with the length of time to prepare even though I haven’t been jogging in 10 years. Why so long since I’ve jogged?  My excuses run rampant even though they are viable.  I’ve had 2 children – both by cesarean and you know the recovery time in that.  I’ve also had multiple surgeries to repair my bunion, hammer toes, Morton’s neuroma in my foot, a torn ACL and meniscus – okay, maybe I wasn’t even meant to jog anymore. But, wanting to get back in shape this seemed to be the antidote.  So I did like any normal person in training – I walk/jogged about 2 miles for one week, but then I completely lost steam.  The gym membership had run out and I figured I could use our treadmill at home.  But, in a bleary basement I didn’t feel much motivation to get on that treadmill.  Time flew, and I did nothing.  With less than a week to go before the race I scrambled to my feet and walk/jogged around the neighborhood for about 5 miles one day. With the little effort I put forth, I succumbed to the fact that I would be walking the mini with an occasional jog.  I even etched that in my mind by now telling others and even posting it on Facebook (a proclamation of what was to come) that I would just do what I could and walk/jog it. But, in the recesses of my mind was an inkling of hope.  I remembered I walked 13 miles about 20 years ago in a March of Dimes walk.  As I chatted away with 3 other women, we were astonished that we already crossed the finish line 13 miles later as we were still busy sharing stories so I knew I could at least finish if I could only find a chatty woman in time.  Then, I thought – I just did 5 miles around the neighborhood (jogging about 2 of it intermittently) so I could double that and some. I reminded myself that the morning of the race – that I’d at least finish even if it was walking. I set out with my husband by my side, and we started jogging from the start.

Keep Going!

We paused briefly here and there to snap a photo and then slowly jogged on.  Now, granted the people and energy of the event certainly makes it all more exciting but it is still 13.2 miles.  And, what we discovered was it was easier to just keep jogging – no matter the pace.   When we paused for a photo, it was tougher to get going again so we jogged, and jogged, and jogged.

You Can Do It!

We realized about half way – we could do it – actually jog it all.  Then at mile 11 someone shouted, “1 mile to go.”  Euphoric about the end in site we picked up the pace.  And, then we saw mile marker 12.  What!!!  It’s not over?  We had already convinced ourselves – conditioned our minds – the end was near.  But, we jogged on to what felt like the longest, slowest mile ever – getting to mile 13 and that last two tenths. In hindsight it was all my mindset.  I could physically do it – the physicality part wasn’t the problem even though training would have helped make it easier and faster.  It was ONLY once I TOLD MYSELF I COULD from couldn’t – that things changed. First, I believed I could do it because the goal was long off. Then, I believed I couldn’t do it because I hadn’t prepared properly. Then, I believed I could simply because I found a strategy in my mind in which I could double my efforts when performance time hit.

It was really doable once I BELIEVED I COULD.

And, it’s important to learn from our mistakes, right.  So going back over the story – I was positive but set myself up for failure by not training and not believing really that it could be done. Then, the act of failing to achieve my goal (not training) was killing my motivation.  Because I wasn’t training toward the goal, inwardly I was telling myself “I can’t do this, I tried, and see it doesn’t work – I can’t do it.” By having the wrong mindset, I failed before I even got started.

So What’s the Right Mindset for Success?

I. It’s what NOT to think.  Thinking you can’t is way too powerful. Know that it’s a mind game and you can outsmart it by telling yourself YOU CAN.  Now, I’m not saying to be unrealistic and that you just think or wish yourself to be a singing Super Star for instance.  But you know when a goal you desire is really attainable; the right mindset will have you setting a plan with actionable steps like:

  1. I CAN find 3 new customers this month and will take these actions to get attain them…
  2. I CAN lose 5 pounds in 4 weeks and will take these actions to get there…
  3. I CAN scuba dive and will take a class to learn how and will make my first dive within 3 months…

Approach it how you wanted to learn when you were a kid.  You attended school, seminars, lectures, read books, perused the internet, had a tutor, coach or MENTOR. Having a successful business is no different.  You have to approach it with the mindset that it is something to be learned, gradually over time.  It’s not something you do overnight – by yourself.  It’s important to surround yourself with other like-minded women to inspire you, motivate you, and guide you like those at Successful Women Made Here.  A mentor in various areas of your life too can be time saving, and stress reducing. Start out THINKING YOU CAN learn, and practice the techniques, and build your assets day by day.

Learn the mindset for success from those who have achieved it! If you …

  • Are tired of being the best kept secret
  • Desire a shift in your income
  • Seek ways to stand out as a premium brand
  • Long to create red hot desire for your service or product
  • Are ready to transform yourself as the EXPERT…

then with Sheryl’s 5 step system, you will better position yourself to move from where you are – to where you WANT to be.

Ready to Make Your Mark? CLICK HERE to Mentor with Sheryl

Sheryl Matthys – Make Your Mark Mentor

ABOUT SHERYL: Sheryl’s career has included:  web-entrepreneur, speaker, best selling author, award winning documentary filmmaker, TV/radio personality, news reporter, certified dog trainer, adjunct professor at the University of Notre Dame, St. Mary’s, and IUSB.  Sheryl has a BA in psychology and an MS in Radio/TV from Butler University. She’s attracted national media attention including FOX & Friends, E!, Bravo, ABC News, Sirius/XM, Martha Stewart Living Radio, The New York Times, Entrepreneur, Wall St. Journal, USA Today,  and more. SUCCESSFUL WOMEN MADE HERE